School supplies, they’re a weakness of mine. There’s just something about the smell of a new box of crayons, the crisp white pages of a notebook, a freshly sharpened pencil….so satisfying! To walk into Wal-Mart at the end of summer and see the aisles filled with crayons, glue sticks, folders and notebooks is a pure adrenalin rush for this homeschooling momma! Not to mention the joy of flipping through piles of homeschool curriculum catalogs. And the challenge of finding books for sale on Facebook and the thrill of being the first to comment!
This year was a bit different and the first time I saw the school supply displays out, my reaction caught me off guard. I suppose I was in denial, or suppose I was just too busy to let reality sink in. Whatever the reason, I wasn’t prepared for Back to School time this year.
I had stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. It was going to be a quick trip. Run in buy the 2 things on the list, packing tape and a can opener, and get out. I grabbed a cart, it had a wonky wheel, so I ditched said cart and grabbed another. My first delay. This cart was a little more steerable. I was on a mission to spend no more than 15 minutes in the store and only get my 2 items. With sheer determination I headed toward the stationery aisle trying not to look around for fear I would be distracted from my mission. Ugh, there’s a neighbor by the service desk, second delay. I mean what’s a trip to Wal-mart without a 10 minute conversation with a friend?! Ok, concentrate on the mission. I speed past the checkouts and then it hit me.
There, in the middle of the main aisle…….big, yellow, cardboard school bus bins…….filled with school supplies….. markers, glue sticks, rulers, folders!!! My heart filled with joy at the sight!! Oh how I love school supplies!!! Then, my heart filled with sorrow. I no longer need school supplies. I’m no longer a homeschooling momma. Our youngest child just graduated high school and turned 18. My children are all adults. For the first time in decades I. don’t. need. school. supplies.
I stood there by the big, yellow cardboard school bus remembering all of the pencil boxes and backpacks of the years gone by. The Diego backpack, the Lisa Frank notebook, the scented markers, the Trapper Keepers. Remembering each of the kids’ first day of kindergarten. Remembering each of the kids’ graduation. Remembering everything except the packing tape and can opener. I was faintly aware of the people around me, the high schooler dragging his feet telling his mom to just pick “whatever” to the little girl who couldn’t seem to locate something on her supply list. I just stood there throwing myself a pity party.
With eyes filled with tears, I hadn’t seen the little girl staring at me from across the big, yellow cardboard school bus. I was startled back from memory lane when she tugged on my shirt and handed me a Kleenex Pocket Packet with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on it and said “Don’t be sad, if you can’t find what you need here there’s a whole bunch in the next aisle!”
She was right, there was another aisle full of school supplies. And the next aisle had greeting cards, and the next aisle housewares. Aisle after aisle filled with things to choose from. My school-supply-buying days may be over but there’s a whole bunch more to choose from in the next aisle! The next aisle is filled with grandchildren. The next aisle is filled with the joy of watching our grown children thrive. The next aisle is filled with spending time with my newly retired husband. The next aisle is filled with new adventures! Oh how I have enjoyed the past years of being momma to my children and thank God for that precious time. But now is the time to move forward. Forward to the aisle where the can openers are.
I finally had the packing tape and can opener in my cart and headed to the self-checkout. But wait, maybe one more trip past the big, yellow cardboard school bus bin. I reach for a box of crayons. I remind myself I. Don’t. Need. School. Supplies.
My 15 minute quick trip has now turned into 45 minutes and I’m pulling out of Wal-Mart parking lot. I reach in my reusable market bag, past the packing tape, past the can opener and pull out a brand new box of 64 count crayons, I carefully break the cardboard box seal, open the lid and enjoy the comforting smell of new crayons. Satisfied.